Wednesday, March 5, 2014

How to Renew SSL Certificate using Oracle HTTP Server Wallet Manager

In my current setup I have an SSL Certificate valid for a year and every year it requires renewal of the certificate.There are a couple of good KMs on metalink that can be followed to carry this out. Some of them that serve as a good starting point are:

Doc ID 1530169.1

Doc ID 317405.1
Doc ID 1391487.1 

I am going to mention briefly what I had to do to achieve this in my environment:

1. Login to the Wallet Manager and Wallet-> Open . You will be prompted with the 'default directory does not exist . Would you like to continue?' . Select 'Yes' and navigate to the location of the wallet and type in the password.

2. Inside the wallet tree, Right click and "Add Certificate Request" . Enter the details for the certificate for which extension is required and Save it. Export the CSR using "Export User Certificate" option.

3. Send the CSR to your security admin and once it is signed and sent back, "Import User Certificate" and this should take care of the part.

Note- In some cases, you might encounter an error because the intermdiate and the root certificate are not present.  These will need to be imported prior to importing the user certificate. 
Save your wallet at this stage.

4. Move on to the certificate that is about to expire and  Remove that user Certificate and Save your wallet. Restart OHS at the end of everything. 

These should help you in effectively renewing the certificate.

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