Monday, November 10, 2014

SSL offloaded at OHS results in smartview RAF not displaying any reports

On a SSL implemented system, which is offloaded at OHS , there is a problem with displaying the list of reports inside the cname. This is a really weird problem as the link works on 19000 .

The end result might look something like this.

According to the DocID1364770.1 , Applying the fix for the step 1 and 2 should fix the issue. But it doesn't , in my case.

Step 1:
  • Configure Weblogic to look for specific HTTP headers, amongst which the "WL-Proxy-SSL" header:
  1. Start the Weblogic Administration server
  2. Log in to the Weblogic Administration Console, then put the Weblogic console into lock/edit mode
  3. On the left-hand side, select the top level branch named "epm_system" (i.e. the domain name)
  4. Select "Web Applications" on the right hand side
  5. Scroll down and enable the option named "Weblogic Plugin Enabled"
  6. Save and activate the changes.

Step 2:

  • Configure the OHS component to populate the requests with the "WL-Proxy-SSL" HTTP header:
  1. On all servers hosting the OHS component, edit the file called httpd.conf (located in \Middleware\user_projects\epmsystem1\httpConfig\ohs\config\OHS\ohs_component) and append the following line at the bottom:
  2. WLProxySSL ON
  3. Save and close that file.
To resolve the issue, I applied the below fix:

Backup Shared Services repository database 

1. On the server that hosts the Shared Services Registry, open a command prompt. 

2. Go to C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\epmsystem1\bin and run the following commands: 

epmsys_registry addproperty system9/@enable_ssl_offloading true 
epmsys_registry addproperty system9/@external_url_host  (SSL_off_loader_host_name) 
epmsys_registry addproperty system9/@external_url_port 443 (SSL_off_loader_port) 

3: Restart Foundation, Workspace Agent, and Workspace web applications services 

This fixes the issue and the list can now be seen on Smartview

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